How far would you go?

How far would you go for something you want?
I would go far far, very far

I would be upset if you are referring to someone else
Why can't it be me?
How come the one I like is always different from the one who likes me

I didn't reject you, I didn't want to....


it's been over a month now. what does all these mean?
a i the only one who cares? do you feel the same?
i wanted to say yes so badly when you asked.
but i just can''s hard enough to say no to someone you don't like
it's ever harder to say someone you actually like...

do you like me the way i like you?

maybe this is the time to make decision.
and you made it for me
by stopping the message...

Bad move. I know what I should do, but I just can't.
I'm selfish. I don't wanna give up anyone that's good to me.

There is an evil deep down in my heart.

First snow

BEC exam today and first snow of winter 2011.
Getting more unsure about the move. Do I only get to keep one?

Big move

Before starting my new life, i just make a big move. Hopefully that's a good move and will make my life better.

About this blog

The unique life of a random girl down the street.

About Me

New York, United States
Just a normal girl around the corner that you never got to know


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